Walter Tróchez was a Honduran LGBTQ rights leader and political activist. He was the Secretary of the Asociación Para Una Vida Mejor, and a member of the National Popular Resistance Front which aims to fight Honduras’ de facto dictatorship. Walter was very active in documenting and drawing attention to anti-LGBTQ killings, and often went out to identify bodies of murdered gay and transgender victims. He had been arrested and attacked several times for his sexual orientation and for his LGBTQ and HIV activism. On December 4, 2009, four armed, masked men kidnapped and beat him, though he managed to escape. The following day, he reported it to the Attorney General's Office along with news that his life had been threatened multiple times. On December 13, 2009, Walter was shot and killed by gunmen in police uniforms as he walked in downtown Tegucigalpa. He was 27 years old. #LGBTQHistory #QTPOCHistory #WalterTróchez #Intersectionality